“Friday night Party”, “Saturday night Fever”, “Movie”, “Sunday brunch” “lazy Sunday afternoon”, “long weekend”, “weekend getaway” these are some of the activities which comes into our mind when we talk about weekend.
We as Groundwala team is out here to add another phrase in the above mentioned list “Sports Weekend”. We want to give people another option for recreational activity in weekend which is far more rejuvenating, fun filled and full of adrenal rush. As a part of our endeavor to make recreational sports more accessible, exciting and frequent we are coming up with a new feature called “Discover Sports Activity”.
Groundwala.in is an online platform for recreational sports in Hyderabad. This helps users to find an opponent for a pickup game, users can book sports grounds online and users can also discover sports activity happening around them. The website already has more than 2000 users in Hyderabad and the platform is helping people to organize over 100 friendly matches in a month across different sports.
This new feature “Discover Sports Activity” intends to promote sports activity and tournaments happening in the city. This feature is a “Do It Yourself” platform, where all tournament organizers can simply create their customized activity and invite registrations online. Groundwala additionally helps them optimizing there online search so that participants can easily find these sports tournaments on the web.
The idea of providing such platform came from some of our users, when they called us asking about any upcoming tournaments and leagues, in which they can participate. Then we thought of having such feature on our website. However there are other platforms such as Facebook groups and various other DIY platforms where event organizers can create their event and invite registration. But somehow FB groups are not helping budding sports event organizers, and other event listing platform does not have sports enthusiast as their users. Hence we decided to come up with such a platform where we have sizeable user and above that 100% of users are sports enthusiast and hence we offer much relevant audience to sports event organizers.
Moreover promoting any event is a costly affair and requires lot of effort e.g. press release, media coverage, banner printing and running online campaigns etc. By creating their sports activity on our platform, tournament organizers can actually avoid all the hassle. Going one step further our team will help these tournament organizers with other items like finalizing a venue, arranging support staffs and sports equipment etc.
Hopefully this is our second step towards simplifying recreational sports in India. We are working towards imbibing a sporting culture.
“Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sports can create hope where once there was only despair.” – Nelson Mandela