Our booking terms and conditions have been revised effective September 21, 2024. For details regarding the changes, please click here.

GW Coupons

TLMD coupon image

Coupon : TLMD

Terms & Condition:

1. Maximum discount value Rs 1500/-.
2. Applicable on selected venues for matches on 19th Mar to 23rd Mar.
3. Minimum cart value 2000/-.
4. Not applicable on night slot

OXY500 coupon image

Coupon : OXY500

Terms & Condition:

1. Flat 500/- Discount On Oxygen Cricket Ground.
2. Single User Can Avail This Offer Once.
3. Applicable Till 30th Jan 2025.
4. Min Order Value 2500/-

PLAYDEL coupon image

Coupon : PLAYDEL

Terms & Condition:

1. Applicable for all venue Delhi NCR
2. Minimum Cart Value 3000/-
3. Applicable till 31st December.
4. Single User can use it one.

KD500 coupon image

Coupon : KD500

Terms & Condition:

1. Flat 500/- discount on Kandalas Cricket Ground.
2. Single user can avail this offer once.
3. Applicable till 31st Dec 2024.
4. Min order value 2500/-.

WD500 coupon image

Coupon : WD500

Terms & Condition:

Applicable on weekday match booking.
Applicable on slected cricket grounds.
Flat discount 500/-

PLAYALL coupon image

Coupon : PLAYALL

Terms & Condition:

1. Max Discount Rs. 300/-
2. Single user can avail this once.
3. Minimum cart value 500/-
4. Offer valied till 3st Mar 2025.

TLMD coupon image

Coupon : TLMD

Terms & Condition:

1. Maximum discount value Rs 1500/-.
2. Applicable on selected venues for matches on 13th Mar to 16th Mar.
3. Minimum cart value 2000/-.
4. Not applicable on night slots.